Project Based Learning
The best way to learn is by doing. When learning how to code, here are some tips I've used that have helped.
1 : Build projects. If you know HTML and CSS, you can build any screen on the web. My process: Look at any website or app out there, break down what the main features were, design it in Figma, and then build the idea using languages I've learned.
2: Use Dev Tools. Getting used to reading other developer's code has also given me simpler ways on how to do things. For instance, I would go to Apple's website, inspect the code, and see how the developers would build certain features, like their navigation menu. From there, in my own projects, I would use the same syntax, which helps to understand why they did what they did.
The projects don't have to be anything too big, but I've noticed that the more ideas you build, the more programming and the web make sense.