How I built a megamenu feature in Vanilla JavaScript
On a recent project, I wanted the visitor to be able to hover on a menu item, and a megamenu would appear. Here's how I did it.
After building and styling it in CSS, I gave the class in CSS a display: none;. Then, I created another class called (-visible) and gave it a display: block. Here's an example of how I did it.
display: none;
display: block;
What I did next was go to JavaScript and create my variables. I then targeted the menu item itself (let's say "shop"), and gave it an EventListener of click. This lets the browser listen for a click, and then do something. I then created another EventListener that said that if the mouse left that div, to remove the div. This event is 'mouseleave'.
From there I created a function that basically said: "When this menu item is clicked, show this menu-content, and if the mouse leaves, hide it." Here's how I built this feature.
let navhover = document.getElementsByClassName('navhover')[0]
let newselections = document.getElementsByClassName('navhover', 'new', 'selections')[1]
let menuitemnew = document.getElementsByClassName('nav-hover', 'new')[0]
let showitemnew = function () {
newselections.classList.add('navhover', 'new', 'selections-visible')
let hideitemnew = function () {
newselections.classList.remove('navhover', 'new', 'selections-visible')
menuitemnew.addEventListener('mouseover', function () {
newselections.addEventListener('mouseleave', function () {